Creating A Good Press Release

Creating a good press release is considered an art form in some circles, and is why many professional press release writers, charge between $100 to $500 for a 300 to 600 word “masterpiece”. The reason for creating a good press release in the first place, is simply  to get free publicity for your business, or […]

Three Free Traffic Attracting Strategies that won’t Cost You a Dime

If you’ve been cracking your head against the wall in frustration, trying to get traffic to your website; here are three traffic attracting strategies that won’t cost you a dime to implement. Although there are many strategies that will get traffic to your site, knowing how to implement these strategies is the key to success. […]

Revenue Generation Requires Thoughtful Planning

In any website design, revenue generation requires thoughtful planning, in order for the website to be effective. If you hope to generate any substantial revenue from your website, some thoughtful planning is required before you create your site. Bad websites reflect little planning, and are generally the product of a haphazardly put together site. With […]